Friday, October 27, 2006

Public Affairs Job at CALCASA

The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) is seeking a program specialist in public affairs. See the CIPN job link for the job description. Mail resume and salary requirements to (or fax to 916-446-8166) by November 10, 2006.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fact and Trend Report: Child Passenger Safety

The second Partners for Child Passenger Safety Fact and Trend Report is from the world's largest study of children in car crashes. The report shows that as children age, their risk of injury/death increases significantly. Why? Improper child restraint use.

Key factors are moving children to adult seat belts and to the front seat too early.

The report states that 46% of 4 to 8 year olds were improperly restrained in adult seat belts. They were three times more likely to be injured than infants and toddlers. Most children need to use a booster seat from about age 4 to they grow to be 4'9". All children under 13 need to be in the back seat.

The report finds that the U.S. has improved child restraint use and made progress with booster seat laws. See the complete report for more findings.

Friday, October 13, 2006

One week (till October 20) for state survey!

If you have not already, please participate in the Safe California! Strategic Plan Survey. It should take about 10 minutes, and your feedback is invaluable. Copy into your browser or click. Thank you!

Webinar on Oct. 19: Innovative Programs for Safe Schools and Communities

The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) is pleased to offer a free webinar in honor of National Health Education Week. The webinar will explore the important role of safe environments and relationships in preventing youth injuries. Communities provide a social context and environment where young people spend their extracurricular time. Addressing injuries within the community will save many lives and prevent injuries. Using a comprehensive approach, injury prevention messages can be enforced and adopted in many different settings. Schools are also an important environment to address safety issues. 53 million young people in the U.S. spend a large portion of their days in school.

Enrollment is limited to the first 100 participants.

Health educators can earn up to 1.5 c.e. Category I.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Webinar on Child/Adolescent Injuries from Falls

The next free live on-line webinar will be Tuesday, October 24th at 11 a.m. Pacific time. Joyce Pressley, Ph.D. and Barbara Barlow, M.D., both of Columbia University, will discuss "Child and Adolescent Injuries as a Result of Falls from Buildings and Structures." Registration is first come, first served for 50 participants. Recordings of past seminars are also available.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The law, cell phones in cars, and driver distraction

Governor Schwartzenegger has signed a law prohibiting cell phone use in vehicles, starting July 2008. Emergency calls are excepted. Click to get a summary of a review of cell phone use in cars and for an information sheet about driver distraction

Emerging Leaders in Public Health

Established for training a cadre of minority public health professionals to become the next generation of public health leaders, the ELPH Fellowship is now accepting applications. Those who have attended say that it provides a tremendous public health learning and networking experience. African Americans, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans, and Hispanics are especially encouraged to apply.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Idealist Grad School Fairs in SF and LA

Two fairs on Graduate Degrees for the Public Good will be held in San Francisco (October 25, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.) and Los Angeles (October 27, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.). Over 100 graduate schools, including those for public health and nonprofit management, will be represented. You must register; there is no cost.

Opportunity to Shape the State's Strategic Plan

The Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control (EPIC) branch of the California Department of Health Services is creating a new strategic plan. We are being asked to complete a brief survey that will be used in shaping the "Safe California! Strategic Plan" before October 20.