-Job #:070134
-Project/Department: Public Health Projects - CDLHN
-Job Title: Health Education Supervisor
-Position Located: in Richmond, California
-FTE Percent: 100% with benefits
-Advertised Salary: $4674 - $5681/per month
-Job Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Immunization Branch Chief and Information and Education Section Chief, the candidate manages educational and promotional campaigns to increase adult vaccination, provides DHS liaison to the California Adult Immunization Coalition, and supervises health educators and health education assistants responsible for childhood and adolescent immunization awareness campaign activities and special events as described below. Plan/create budgets, develop/implement/evaluate statewide immunization education projects to improve immunization levels of California's adults. (Complete job description available on website)
-Minimum Qualifications: Master's Degree + four years experience in similar field with supervisory responsibility for a major communications, social marketing, or health promotion program. Ability to implement social marketing and/or health promotion campaigns including research/needs assessment, analysis, and evaluation. Experience managing health education projects; creating and writing press releases and publicity materials; conducting conference workshops and training programs. Team player. Strong oral and written skills. Proven organizational skills.
To apply for this position or to view the complete job description, follow this pathway:
-Go to
http://www.foundation.sdsu.edu/-Click on the gray tab labeled Employment Opportunities
-Click on “Search Jobs”
-Remember, the job # is 070134